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  • Lips of Desire (PRT_7956_66602) - Canvas Art Print - 18in X 20in

    Lips of Desire

    Printed Painting
    18 x 20 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Ernest Dowson (1867-1900) was a Decadent poet who embodied the best and the worst of that literary and artistic movement: the drink, the drugs, the longing for inappropriate female companions, the...
  • Cinema in my Head (PRT_7956_66603) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 24in

    Cinema in my Head

    Printed Painting
    20 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Cinema is one of the most penetrative entertainment in our times. How does a filmmaker visualize the scenes? The pictures in his mind are formed from the story. Here is an example of expressionism,...
  • Blue House (PRT_7956_66205) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 36in

    Blue House

    Printed Painting
    24 x 36 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    A house with blue walls, a blue door and a blue window with a bicycle resting on the wall. It also includes some flower and a tulsi plant.Product Code-PRT_7956_66205
  • Status: Single Gender: Neutral (PRT_7956_66105) - Canvas Art Print - 18in X 18in

    Status: Single Gender: Neutral

    Printed Painting
    18 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Still life of a lipstick in open state, placed upright. Inspiration came from the acceptance of LGBTQ+ in Indian society. A lipstick is no longer an object to be related to feminine gender. The...
  • Light of Life (PRT_7956_66106) - Canvas Art Print - 18in X 18in

    Light of Life

    Printed Painting
    18 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    I lived in godforsaken places. This comes straight from memories of North Sikkim. A lone hut with glass pane windows and light from inside falling on ground. The light tells us that there is life...
  • Fresh Watermelon (PRT_7956_66107) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 18in

    Fresh Watermelon

    Printed Painting
    12 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    A fresh cut of watermelon made the prop for me. Blue surface and caramel backdrop complemented the freshness. Quick broad brushstrokes, with detailing at necessary spots, like the seeds, edge of the...
  • Honeybees (PRT_7956_66108) - Canvas Art Print - 18in X 12in


    Printed Painting
    18 x 12 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    These cute bees were resting on a door. I added the rusted nails to depict the scale. Peeling paint from wooden surface made an interesting backdrop. Broad brush and palate knife work here, with...
  • Window pane (PRT_7956_66109) - Canvas Art Print - 18in X 12in

    Window pane

    Printed Painting
    18 x 12 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    An window pane can be so vibrant and interesting with these insects crawling on it at night! I could not stop from thinking to convert this into my work. The light from mercury vapor lamps outside...
  • Whispering Roses (PRT_7956_56996) - Canvas Art Print - 18in X 24in

    Whispering Roses

    Printed Painting
    18 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    A pair of roses from the little boy at traffic light on valentine's day turned out to be my prop for a quick still life study. Placed in a 400 ml beer glass half filled with water made the sight...
  • White Flowers (PRT_7956_56158) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 24in

    White Flowers

    Printed Painting
    20 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    White flowers blooming in a green field, against azure blue sky dominated by white cloud.Product Code-PRT_7956_56158
  • Red Riot (PRT_7956_56309) - Canvas Art Print - 36in X 24in

    Red Riot

    Printed Painting
    36 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Sunset... Bay of Bengal... Inspired by an old photo taken by meProduct Code-PRT_7956_56309
  • Drive in a Rainy Night (PRT_7956_55904) - Canvas Art Print - 16in X 20in

    Drive in a Rainy Night

    Printed Painting
    16 x 20 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    A view of night traffic has always been fascinating to me. The red taillights, signal lights, amber sidelights, and white/ yellow headlamps shining through the windshield makes a magical ambience. A...
  • Being Deliriously Happy (PRT_7956_55905) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 16in

    Being Deliriously Happy

    Printed Painting
    20 x 16 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Wild sea, and two children with boisterous energy galloping along the shore. I have tried to bring out the happiness felt by these two little boys, without showing their faces. The waves braking onto...
  • Venice Dusk (PRT_7956_55906) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 36in

    Venice Dusk

    Printed Painting
    24 x 36 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    The last leftover sunlight reflecting on the buildings and the water, makes it so appealing to me. Night is just about to set in, though the day has not bid adieu as yet. Magical, romantic dusk, asks...
  • Carnation Whispering to Azure (PRT_7956_55907) - Canvas Art Print - 16in X 20in

    Carnation Whispering to Azure

    Printed Painting
    16 x 20 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    A narrow lane in Greece is flanked by stark white houses on both sides, a timber door, vintage with some grill work, stands out amidst. Though, the beauty of this scene is completely stolen by the...
  • Fruits in Basket (PRT_7956_56042) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 20in

    Fruits in Basket

    Printed Painting
    24 x 20 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Fresh fruits placed on a newspaper, inside a simple basket, makes an interesting subject. The warmth of yellow, and rustic backdrop set by the crumpled newspaper creates a charm.Product...
  • Social Media Sunrise View From Train (PRT_7956_56059) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 36in

    Social Media Sunrise View From Train

    Printed Painting
    24 x 36 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Much before she reaches her destination, the moments filled with most unique feelings reach the world!!! That's how technology connects us today. Perhaps, we have forgotten how to verbally describe a...
  • Hot Kettle (PRT_7956_55738) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 30in

    Hot Kettle

    Printed Painting
    20 x 30 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Steaming hot water pouring fro the spout of a traditional tea kettle, amidst a chilly winter morning. The scene creates a feeling of warmth. Product Code-PRT_7956_55738
  • Old Whiskey and Tumbler (PRT_7956_55739) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 18in

    Old Whiskey and Tumbler

    Printed Painting
    12 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    A still life work, with palette knives and acrylic. The subject is a bottle of old whiskey and a common tumbler, awaiting someone. A study of Impressionism.Product Code-PRT_7956_55739
  • Kitchen Window (PRT_7956_55740) - Canvas Art Print - 18in X 24in

    Kitchen Window

    Printed Painting
    18 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Bright light entering through the Kitchen window makes you feel hopeful for a brilliant future. The window pane is hazy, and the creeper surrounding the pane creates a sense of serenity. Utensils and...
  • Fruits in Glass Bowl (PRT_7956_55839) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 24in

    Fruits in Glass Bowl

    Printed Painting
    20 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Assortment of apples and melons, in a glass bowl, while light reflecting from glass, fruits and floor. Shadows of fruits on floor make the composition unique.Product Code-PRT_7956_55839