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  • The Philosopher (PRT_7377_61912) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 18in

    The Philosopher

    Printed Painting
    24 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts. - Marcus Aurelius I see this as a piece that hangs in your study - a reminder of stoic fortitude. Also, if you have a black dog, as I did, you...
  • Making Choices  (PRT_7377_61545) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 18in

    Making Choices

    Printed Painting
    24 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    How do we choose what we choose? Are choices the same for everyone? What was there before there was a choice? Some questions to think about while i experiment with Warli. This will be super for your...
  • Forest Fire (PRT_7377_61431) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 18in

    Forest Fire

    Printed Painting
    12 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    A taste for the beautiful is most cultivated out of doors - Henry David Thoreau, Walden, or Life in the Woods A sharp departure from my usual grunginess of people and peopleness. The next best thing...
  • Big & Beautiful (PRT_7377_48143) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 18in

    Big & Beautiful

    Printed Painting
    12 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Beauty has as many parameters as we allow ourselves to accept. The more we accept, the more beauty there is in the world. I love drawing women, their contours flow like rivers and oceans. My...
  • Heisenberg has an Idea (PRT_7377_48145) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 18in

    Heisenberg has an Idea

    Printed Painting
    12 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    I was inspired by this quote from a book I was reading - "After walking with the question long enough, Heisenberg gradually walked into the answer." Put this up on a wall for inspiration, and a...
  • Highly Inflammable (PRT_7377_48146) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 18in

    Highly Inflammable

    Printed Painting
    12 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    I was inspired by this verse written by Sylvia Plath: Out of the ash I rise with My red hair And I eat men Like air. Also, blue and orange is such an amazing combination - Earth and Fire! ...
  • Tea Pickers of Cunoor (PRT_7377_48185) - Canvas Art Print - 14in X 18in

    Tea Pickers of Cunoor

    Printed Painting
    14 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    I was on a film project in Cunoor and we walked into a tiny hamlet where these ladies were getting ready for the day. There was a sense of calm satisfaction around them, a knowing of a kind. I wanted...
  • Sonata at 6 (PRT_7377_48189) - Canvas Art Print - 13in X 18in

    Sonata at 6

    Printed Painting
    13 x 18 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    I love drawing musicians. I like to capture their expressions and imagine the world they've stepped into when they are in the groove. I imagined this musician playing a song at dusk, heralding the...