Red, Pink, Orange Paintings

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  • THE STRUGGLE (ART_9081_75944) - Handpainted Art Painting - 5in X 7in


    Handmade Painting
    5 x 7 in
    Ink Colors on Paper
    Name: THE STRUGGLE, the struggle of life, have crossed several hurdles, yet a long fight remains Painting-Original-abstract - Ink & Wash; made on 300gsm cold pressed 25% cotton paper, stained with ink, waterproof ink pen, and watercolour ink; Size:...
  • Vibrant Ganesha (ART_7966_55395) - Handpainted Art Painting - 5in X 7in

    Vibrant Ganesha

    Handmade Painting
    5 x 7 in
    Ink Colors on Paper
    "One can win over anything and everything with Belief and Faith". This painting was created during the early lockdown phases last year. The confidence and Happiness depicted on the face of The Vibrant Ganesha is my belief in my deeds and the faith in the...