Red, Pink, Orange Paintings

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  • Kachhni Painting (ART-15416-101609) - Handpainted Art Painting - 20 in X 26in

    Kachhni Painting

    Handmade Painting
    20 x 26 in
    Natural Colors on Other
    This painting is hand made and in this painting I am using natural colours like turmeric and charcoal and this painting is done on hand made cow dunk pepper. This is very good for vastu in home. This Indian kachhni art from Gujarat.
  • Sunrise From The Deck (ART-15138-100548) - Handpainted Art Painting - 10 in X 8in

    Sunrise From The Deck

    Handmade Painting
    10 x 8 in
    Acrylic Colors on Other
    As the sun fully emerges from its slumber, the world below awakens to its warm embrace. The water glistens with newfound radiance, and the beach begins to bathe in the morning light. Shadows gradually recede, revealing the beauty of the distant hills