Handmade Painting46 x 58 inAcrylic Colors on Canvas₹200,090This painting is an Acrylic on Canvas artwork, created in 2022 and so it's in excellent condition. This painting is inspired by Sir S.H.Raza (Sayed Haider Raza) and Sir Mark Rothko. This creation represents the divine existence of life and provokes the... -
Handmade Painting46 x 58 inAcrylic Colors on Canvas₹200,090This painting is an Acrylic on Canvas artwork, created in 2021 and so it's in excellent condition. This painting is inspired by Sir S.H.Raza (Sayed Haider Raza) and Sir Mark Rothko. This creation represents the divine existence of life and provokes the... -
The Sunflower Garden in the Milky Way
Handmade Painting46 x 58 inAcrylic Colors on Canvas₹200,090This painting is an Acrylic on Canvas artwork, created in 2022 and so it's in excellent condition. This painting is inspired by Sir S.H.Raza (Sayed Haider Raza) and Sir Mark Rothko. This creation represents the divine existence of life and provokes the...