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  • Wild Animal,Tiger,National Animal,The First Look,Yellow Brown Shades

    Tiger Art 3

    Handmade Painting
    28 x 20 in
    Acrylic Colors on Cloth
    ( 45% off )
    This is an exquisite handmade painting - created by our experienced artist, and completed to perfection. Product Code-TIGER03_2820
  • Ardhanareshwar (ART_9073_76250) - Handpainted Art Painting - 16in X 20in


    Handmade Painting
    16 x 20 in
    Acrylic Colors on Cloth
    Pattachitra - Ardhanareshwar represents the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies of Universe. Our challenge as humans is to adopt qualities of male and female energies in order to find peace of mind and bring more harmony into our lives. Whereas...
  • Durga (ART_9073_76249) - Handpainted Art Painting - 16in X 20in


    Handmade Painting
    16 x 20 in
    Acrylic Colors on Cloth
    Pattachitra art - depicting Goddess Durga slaying the Buffalo headed Demon Mahishasur.Product Code-ART_9073_76249
  • Garden  (ART_9114_76523) - Handpainted Art Painting - 44in X 20in


    Handmade Painting
    44 x 20 in
    Acrylic Colors on Cloth
    This Garden painting made by the artist Smt Laxmi Meher. This is totally free hand drawing. This miniature painting has taken near about 1.5 months to complete it. Because every line & stroke of painting has to control by single breath and also it...