Animals, Birds & Fishes - Paintings & Artworks

Buy animals, birds, fishes and aquatic life paintings and prints online from India. We have horses, tigers, deers, elephants, peacock, dogs, cats, wildlife etc paintings available. Order in custom size. We ship worldwide.

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  • The Blue Vase (PRT-767-101000) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 36in

    The Blue Vase

    Printed Painting
    24 x 36 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    "The Blue Vase" is a painting of "The Butterfly Series". This painting features abstract geometric flowers in a blue vase. Additionally, there are seven vibrant butterflies surrounding the flowers. The painting is mainly in shades of blue and is a...
  • THE MOTIF BIRD (ART-15199-100980) - Handpainted Art Painting - 24 in X 36in


    Handmade Painting
    24 x 36 in
    Acrylic Colors on Canvas
    There is something rather majestic and captivating about peacocks. When its blue green iridescent feathers are fanned out, its a sign of courtship. Some people consider it as an auspicious symbol of happiness and while painting this I could feel it too...