Black and White Paintings

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  • Playing Marbles  (ART_7416_47773) - Handpainted Art Painting - 14in X 18in

    Playing Marbles

    Handmade Painting
    14 x 18 in
    Mixed Media Colors on Paper
    Whether there is a game or a life situation, one last chance is given to you, even if you have not had anything, but if you take that opportunity fast and succeed, then your time and situation will change.Product Code-ART_7416_47773
  • Ganesha- ????????????? (ART_8188_59006) - Handpainted Art Painting - 14in X 16in


    Handmade Painting
    14 x 16 in
    Mixed Media Colors on Canvas
    Dear sir) ma'am, Thank you for showing your interest in my art work. I am constantly working in every situation in the direction to promote art and to bring new ideas in it. In this context, I would like to share my recent art works with you, the medium...
  • Realistic cat  (ART_7743_51880) - Handpainted Art Painting - 14in X 10in

    Realistic cat

    Handmade Painting
    14 x 10 in
    Mixed Media Colors on Paper
    This painting of cat with super sparkling blue eyes will never ever fail to atrract the viewers isnt it. The delicate furs are created with unique technique which gives this cat painting a super realistic look.Product Code-ART_7743_51880
  • Technique  (ART_7416_47766) - Handpainted Art Painting - 14in X 18in


    Handmade Painting
    14 x 18 in
    Mixed Media Colors on Paper
    Every game teach us many skills like Balance & Rhythm with the coordination of eye, hand and mind with the object. To learn this thing we produce a particular way of doing this. We call this process a technique. With the technique we doing more practice...