Black and White Paintings

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  • Intricate Mind (ART-16148-105867) - Handpainted Art Painting - 8in X 11in

    Intricate Mind

    Handmade Painting
    8 x 11 in
    Other Colors on Paper
    The image, titled "Intricate Mind", is a black and white illustration that features a silhouette of a human head filled with intricate patterns and designs. These designs are reminiscent of the doodle art style or Zentangle.The patterns within the...
  • Symmetrical Butterfly Dream (ART-16148-105821) - Handpainted Art Painting - 8in X 11in

    Symmetrical Butterfly Dream

    Handmade Painting
    8 x 11 in
    Other Colors on Paper
    The image you've provided is a piece of artwork that appears to be a hand-drawn illustration. It features a symmetrical design with a central butterfly motif, surrounded by various decorative elements that include flowers, leaves, and intricate patterns...