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  • By the window (ART_6678_38719) - Handpainted Art Painting - 30in X 35in

    By the window

    Handmade Painting
    30 x 35 in
    Oil Colors on Canvas
    Well balanced composition and well distribution of colours. The designs on the curtain gives an interesting angle. The dark green foliage against the light blue of the window gives a contrast ...
  • City at night (ART_6678_38721) - Handpainted Art Painting - 30in X 35in City at night (ART_6678_38721) - Handpainted Art Painting - 30in X 35in

    City at night

    Handmade Painting
    30 x 35 in
    Oil Colors on Canvas
    Distance is created by the choice of colours. Foreground more colour and light colours in the background. Balanced composition. Texture in the green colour is an interesting aspect.Product...