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  • Milky Way (PRT_8144_60447) - Canvas Art Print - 30in X 22in

    Milky Way

    Printed Painting
    30 x 22 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    $ 32
    When you say cosmos, first image comes to our mind is of the shiny stars in multitude. Our home is Milky way galaxy. She moves continuously and for a movement it looks like someone put a spoon and...
  • Flowers of Kaas (PRT_8144_60939) - Canvas Art Print - 41in X 28in

    Flowers of Kaas

    Printed Painting
    41 x 28 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    $ 48
    Kaas plateau is in west India and is famous for its seasonal flowers. They last about 2-3 months during monsoon. In group these flowers form a sea of single color. India has so many beautiful sights...
  • Curtains (PRT_8144_60940) - Canvas Art Print - 51in X 32in


    Printed Painting
    51 x 32 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    $ 58
    Imagine canyon where two sides of mountains look like curtains covering two sides. Through these sides you can see the beyond and feel a sense of mystery.Product Code-PRT_8144_60940
  • Jaffa Market (PRT_8144_61002) - Canvas Art Print - 10in X 8in

    Jaffa Market

    Printed Painting
    10 x 8 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    $ 20
    Jaffa market is in desert country of Israel called Tel-aviv. I always enjoyed old markets, especially old markets of dessert countries. It has all the modern products from frying pan to mixers. I...
  • Sleeping Buddha (PRT_8144_61003) - Canvas Art Print - 37in X 16in

    Sleeping Buddha

    Printed Painting
    37 x 16 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    $ 93
    Just when you think you have seen enough; you discover new something in Cambodia. Near Bayon Temple, there is another huge temple hill called Baphuon. At entering from one side you would feel itÕs...