Seven Seas Art Studio

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  • The Purple Evening (PRT-16026-104847) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 19in

    The Purple Evening

    Printed Painting
    24 x 19 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    This Oil on Canvas painting beautifully captures the tranquility of a beach sunset. I tried to employ various shades of yellow and purple, creating a mesmerizing display of twilight hues.
  • Like Father Like Son (PRT-16026-104831) - Canvas Art Print - 30in X 19in

    Like Father Like Son

    Printed Painting
    30 x 19 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    As the name suggests this is father son duo painting. The attitude and impressions of both inspired to be named Like Father Like Son. Though painting was sold quite earlier but the demand of prints...