Fishes - Paintings & Artworks

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  • 34Fengshui05 - 30in X 20in,34Fengshui05_3020,Oil Colors,Fish,Blue Background,Black, Dark Shades,75X50 Size,Feng Shui;Latest Collection Art Canvas Painting,Buy canvas art painting online for sale by in India 34Fengshui05 - 30in X 20in - Painting


    Handmade Painting
    30 x 20 in
    Oil Colors on Canvas
    ( 45% off )
    This is an exquisite handmade painting - created by our experienced artist, and completed to perfection. Product Code-34Fengshui05_3020
  • Chaos  (ART_4568_50499) - Handpainted Art Painting - 24in X 24in


    Handmade Painting
    24 x 24 in
    Oil Colors on Canvas
    Fishes in water are always on move. They will swim, swirl, dive, jump ; making all types of unpredictable moves. Life is also like this - always unpredictable. Movement of fishes is so similar to the nature of life.There is chaos everywhere. I choose...
  • Under Water (ART_8412_63355) - Handpainted Art Painting - 16in X 10in

    Under Water

    Handmade Painting
    16 x 10 in
    Fabric Colors on Cloth
    This highly sensitive painting taking near about 2 weeks to complete it. Because every stroke of painting has to control by single breath. Because one breathe one stroke. If one stroke having mistaken then whole painting going to spoil, so it has to make...