Hanuman - Paintings & Artworks

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  • Aipan art in Baba Neem Karoli Maharaj (ART_9027_75463) - Handpainted Art Painting - 24in X 24in

    Aipan art in Baba Neem Karoli Maharaj

    Handmade Painting
    24 x 24 in
    Acrylic Colors on Cloth
    Aipan art in BABA NEEM KAROLI MAHARAJ Aipan Kala means to smear or to make shape with fingers. Aipan is a type of Alpana or drawing or Rangoli, which is depicted by the residents of Uttarakhand region in their auspicious works. In the hilly areas of...
  • Hanuman - Patachitra (ART_9073_76752) - Handpainted Art Painting - 11in X 13in


    Handmade Painting
    11 x 13 in
    Acrylic Colors on Cloth
    In this artwork, Hanuman in his giant form is seen carrying the brothers Ram and Lakshman on his shoulders as they go towards the battle field. He is seen in hindu mythology as a devotee, brahmachari and wise monkey king who sacrificed everything to be...