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  • Blooming (ART_7583_49726) - Handpainted Art Painting - 24in X 36in


    Handmade Painting
    24 x 36 in
    Acrylic Colors on Canvas
    This handmade Textured piece of Abstract painting depicts how the whole universe is involved in creating everything that surrounds us...be it a tiny Blooming flower..!Product Code-ART_7583_49726
  • Hidden Galaxy (ART_7583_49729) - Handpainted Art Painting - 18in X 36in

    Hidden Galaxy

    Handmade Painting
    18 x 36 in
    Acrylic Colors on Canvas
    Made with acrylics, this piece has multiple layers underneath, which is why it depicts a galaxy far far away!Product Code-ART_7583_49729