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  • Floral Wave - A3 Sized Painting (ART-15028-100368) - Handpainted Art Painting - 10 in X 15in

    Floral Wave

    Handmade Painting
    10 x 15 in
    Acrylic Colors on Paper
    £ 190
    The artwork depicts a mesmerizing wave in the foreground, with its translucent blue hues cascading and swirling in dynamic motion. The wave is intricately painted with various shades of blues,...
  • Abstract Floral - Small Canvas Board Limited Edition (ART-15028-100369) - Handpainted Art Painting - 4 in X 8in

    Abstract Floral

    Handmade Painting
    4 x 8 in
    Acrylic Colors on Canvas
    £ 95
    The acrylic floral wave artwork is a vibrant and captivating piece that combines the beauty of nature with the fluidity of waves. The artist skillfully blends an array of bright, bold colors to...
  • Floral Wave (PRT-15028-100229) - Canvas Art Print - 9in X 12in

    Floral Wave

    Printed Painting
    9 x 12 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    £ 8
    Embrace the rhythmic dance of an abstract floral wave, where the untamed beauty of nature merges with the graceful flow of the ocean. Within this captivating masterpiece, vibrant blooms emerge as...
  • Ying-Yang Owl (ART-15028-100228) - Handpainted Art Painting - 11 in X 16in


    Handmade Painting
    11 x 16 in
    Charcoal Colors on Paper
    £ 36
    Behold, the exquisite harmony captured within the ethereal realms of an owl, entwined with the mystic dance of the yin and yang. In this sublime charcoal sketch, strokes of monochrome grace...
  • Abstract Floral- A4 Sized Acrylic Painting (ART-15028-100127) - Handpainted Art Painting - 7 in X 11in

    Abstract Floral

    Handmade Painting
    7 x 11 in
    Acrylic Colors on Paper
    £ 87
    Embrace the rhythmic dance of an abstract floral wave, where the untamed beauty of nature merges with the graceful flow of the ocean. Within this captivating masterpiece, vibrant blooms emerge as...