Still Life - Paintings & Artworks

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  • Heritage (ART_231_56257) - Handpainted Art Painting - 30in X 16in


    Handmade Painting
    30 x 16 in
    Watercolor Colors on Paper
    This type of wall carving is common in ancient Indian walls. This particular wall painting is from the wall of Qutub Minar which is in Delhi. It almost took me 18 hours to just draw and donÕt know how many hours of hard work it took to paint and do...
  • Traditional Still life (ART_7373_47119) - Handpainted Art Painting - 30in X 22in

    Traditional Still life

    Handmade Painting
    30 x 22 in
    Watercolor Colors on Paper
    I was encourage to see the oil bottle with handle, the pot with its cap & specially red capsicum (which is rarely see here) in north eastern hilly states kitchens. All the things are in a perfect position on the shelf of kitchen. The light is come from...