Wildlife - Paintings & Artworks

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  • Frog atop the lotus (ART_7283_67350) - Handpainted Art Painting - 6in X 10in

    Frog atop the lotus

    Handmade Painting
    6 x 10 in
    Acrylic Colors on Canvas
    Frogs are generally viewed as representing good luck symbolizing money, good relationships, careers, wellbeing, and health. This painting with itÕs natural hues will also induce a sense of calm and closeness to nature.Product Code-ART_7283_67350
  • One happy camel sitting in the desert (PRT_8002_56297) - Canvas Art Print - 6in X 10in

    One happy camel sitting in the desert

    Printed Painting
    6 x 10 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    This image was inspired by a photograph which I took on my trip to Jaisalmer. This was during a camel safari in the desert. We were enjoying the lovely view of sand dunes and I clicked this photo of our camel, who sat contentedly gazing......this image...