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  • Divine Face Of Krishna (PRT-8043-101792) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 24in

    Divine Face Of Krishna

    Printed Painting
    20 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    This painting was inspired by the Krishna, Balaram deities of Vrindavan and Mayapur Iskcon. And that moment of Krishna Leela when Akrur came to take Krishna and Balaram back to Mathura to kill the...
  • Om - The Transcendental Sound Meditation (PRT_8043_66782) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 15in


    Printed Painting
    12 x 15 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Om is the transcendental sound of creation of this universe. Those who meditate on this sound, they can connect themselves with the absolute reality. Product Code-PRT_8043_66782
  • The Mother - Mirra Alfasa (PRT_8043_56715) - Canvas Art Print - 16in X 20in

    The Mother

    Printed Painting
    16 x 20 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Digital Painting of Mirra Alfasa. She was a French spiritual guru, an occultist and a collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, who considered her to be of equal yogic stature to him and called her by the name...
  • Rabindranath Tagore (PRT_8043_56716) - Canvas Art Print - 12in X 15in

    Rabindranath Tagore

    Printed Painting
    12 x 15 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    Digital painting of Rabindranath Tagore. He was an Indian polymath - poet, writer, playwright, composer, philosopher, social reformer and painter.Product Code-PRT_8043_56716
  • Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (PRT_8043_56718) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 25in

    Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

    Printed Painting
    20 x 25 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    This is an original antique painting of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, digitally created by me, the original portrait was commissioned by Maharaja Prataprudra Deva of Odisha. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was...
  • Radha Krishna - Eternal Love (PRT_8043_56737) - Canvas Art Print - 20in X 24in

    Radha Krishna

    Printed Painting
    20 x 24 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    I had created this digital painting in the influence of Vraj Vrindavan Raas Leela of Sri Krishna and Srimati Radha Rani. In this painting, I present to you Sri Krishna in his cheerful mood with...
  • Lord Krishna Vishwaroop Darshan (PRT_8043_56759) - Canvas Art Print - 24in X 30in

    Lord Krishna Vishwaroop Darshan

    Printed Painting
    24 x 30 in
    Ink Colors on Canvas
    This is one of my Viswaroop concept digital paintings. In this art, I represent to you Lord Sri Krishnaji manifesting his original Divya Swaroop and Arjuna being astonished to see such a big form all...