Distant Rumble Of A Rainforest (ART-8271-105795) - Handpainted Art Painting - 12in X 12in

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Size in Centimetres:
30cm x 30cm
Product Type:
Handmade Painting
Width (Inches):
Height (Inches):
Certificate Provided:
Welcome to the lush, cloud-enshrouded rainforests of Costa Rica. In the background, the gleaming Arenal Volcano rises majestically, its peak shrouded in ash and mist.
As the eye wanders through the dense foliage, a vibrant flying Resplendant Quetzal, unfortunately in the ‘near threatened’ list of IUCN, with its iridescent feathers glimmering in the dappled light, soars effortlessly through the air.
Nearby, a Keel-billed Toucan indulges in a feast of juicy fruits, its brightly colored beak and feathers a vibrant splash of color against the lush greenery.
On the forest floor, a Strawberry Frog sits perched on a moss-covered log.
Above, a Squirrel Monkey hangs upside down from a sturdy branch, its agile body swinging effortlessly. The misty veil that shrouds the forest creates an ethereal atmosphere.
In the distance, a couple of Cranes take flight, their long necks and legs stretching out as they glide effortlessly across the sky. The gentle rustle of their wings creates a soothing melody that harmonizes with the distant rumble of the rainforest's ancient heartbeat.
As the eye wanders to the foreground, a gentle Fawn crouches beside a crystal-clear waterfall. The array of waterfalls cascading down the rocky slope creates a serene and peaceful atmosphere, with the gentle burble of water creating a soothing background hum.
The painting's vibrant colors and intricate
textures evoke a sense of wonder and awe, inviting the viewer to step into the lush, mystical world of Costa Rica's cloud-forest and lose themselves in its natural beauty. Hope you all enjoy…… raise your voice for the voiceless creatures of the forest who are facing habitat destruction and human threat.

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