The essence of Tiruchirapalli (ART_6166_35496) - Handpainted Art Painting - 50in X 24in

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Size in Centimetres:
125 cm X 60 cm
It is a planometric drawing of Tiruchirapalli (Tamil Nadu) which is the hometown of Ar.Vignesh Premkumar. It depicts the parallel projections of important historical monuments of Tiruchirapalli city such as the rockfort temple, the main guard gate, the Theppakulam, St.Lourde’s church, Sri Rangam, Cauvery bridge, Kollidam bridge, Kallanai dam, NSB road. etc and their connections in a very interesting way. “The planometric spaces of rockfort temple” (right corner) is about the study of the spaces inside the historical rock cut, Rockfort temple. It deals with the spaces which we have to cross through to attain the main shrine of Lord Ganesha. It starts its way down from a commercial street moving next to a small mandapam having a tiny Ganesha statue in it, then upliftment of gentle stairs leads to a temple street, where most of the Brahmins live. That street further opens into a small temple tank . Then the main path is continuing towards a Lord shiva shrine called as “Thayumanavar shrine” inbetween. Then finally the steps leads upwards to the main shrine of Lord Ganesha. Before reaching Lord ganesha there is a bell tower in the right side of the painting. All these levels and spaces are well depicted in the planometric drawing of rockfort temple.

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