The Poised Pair Painting (ART_3845_24435) - Handpainted Art Painting - 53in X 33in (Framed)

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Size in Centimetres:
132 cm X 82 cm

Whenever you seek inspiration or ideas, art will provide them to you. Look no further than this intricate portrayal of a tribal art dating back 1400 years (or more). Having this Gond painting on your wall is the surest way to express your artistic side. Precise and perfect strokes, vibrant hues and shades of colour, and an interesting depiction of a tree make this wall adornment, a truly must-own object. The recorded history of the Gond people goes back 1400 years, but considering that they inhabit areas where rock paintings dating to the Mesolithic have been found, their antecedents probably date back even further. The rock paintings in the area practiced, shows that the paintings date back to the Mesolithic Era (8000BCE).

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